5 funcionalidades que sites de e-commerce devem ter

5 features that e-commerce sites must have

With the increasing use of the Internet and digital platforms, the number of e-commerce sites is also growing, and they win customers because of the convenience of shopping from home and the wide variety of products offered. However, it is not uncommon to come across sites that are completely amateurish and lack basic tools.

To avoid making this mistake in your virtual store, we have listed 5 features that e-commerce sites must have if they want to stand out from the competition and sell more. Check them out!

1. Product Search and Division by Categories

Although most customers get to the product through search engines, it is necessary that these people can locate the products within the site itself. To do this, you should ideally provide an internal search tool that locates products directly.

Another basic and simple way to improve navigation and search within the platform is to create divisions by categories. With this, the user will be more directed to what they need, avoiding the loss of time.

2. Cross-Selling & Up-Selling

Have you ever noticed that in the supermarket, parmesan cheese is in the same section as macaroni? Although they are completely different products from each other, it is suggested that both can be used together, in the same recipe.

The name of this strategy is cross-selling, and despite the comparison, it can also be adopted in an e-commerce site, offering the customer a product related to the one he is buying.

There is also another strategy called up-selling, which consists in showing a product superior to the one the user is buying, either a brand with a higher value or the same product inserted in a complete kit on promotion.

In both cases, there is the possibility that the customer will spend a higher amount on purchases, increasing sales conversion rates.

3. Product Management

For your site to work well, you need to have autonomy and manage the products. This means that you must be able to change, add, or delete a product, and have the freedom to analyze photos, descriptions, or other factors that may influence sales without depending on a site management company.

These actions guarantee more agility in the processes that involve e-commerce and are a way to optimize the visualization of products and improve their exposure.

4. Incorporation with Social Networks

Incorporating your virtual commerce with social networks is an important feature to remind the client of a purchase that was not finalized. It happens like this: many users access the site or even put the product in the cart, but for some reason, abandon the purchase and end up forgetting the product.

When the platforms are interconnected, the customer is reminded by their social networks of that product and may end up being stimulated to revisit the site and finalize the purchase. Furthermore, social networks maintain more direct contact with that user, establishing a relationship of trust.

5. One-Click Purchase

Many people end up giving up on e-commerce because they have to fill out several information fields, even on sites where they have already finalized an order previously.

To avoid this problem, an interesting feature that should be implemented in your virtual store is the possibility of buying with just one click. Thus, if the customer already has the information registered on the platform, simply confirm the data and the order will be placed.

These features of e-commerce sites help increase conversion, avoiding abandonment of carts and consolidating your store in the virtual environment. Did you like to know a little more about this subject? Then subscribe to our newsletter and stay on top of other content like this one!

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