Improving the checkout experience in e-commerce is a practice that all merchants should adopt, because it is perhaps the most important stage of an e-commerce since it is the moment when the consumer decides whether or not to buy a product in your store.
The waiting time, the information available at checkout, excessive call to actions, poorly defined steps, can be reasons for the consumer to give up the purchase and increase your store's cart abandonment rate. A survey by Sale Cycle indicated that in 2020 the cart abandonment rate reached 75% in the overall ranking.
In order to avoid giving up and high abandonment rates, we have separated some tips in this article to help you optimize the process and boost your e-commerce checkout.
1. have a user-friendly layout
When the checkout doesn't have the same layout as the whole site, the customer may feel insecure to make a purchase, and so they may give up.
Keeping a User-friendly layout and true to your site's entire visual identity will make the customer identify with you and feel more confident about buying. Also, when the customer is redirected to another page, inform by message what will happen next when he clicks a button, for example. If possible, count on a UX Writing professional, as it will make a difference.
Finally, ensure that your store's checkout adapts to the various theme sizes and formats of computers and mobile devices to ensure a responsive experience.
2. Eliminate distractions
Keep your page as Clean checkout It is possible, without ads, without call to action that direct the consumer to another step that is not the conclusion of the purchase.
Flashy images should also be avoided as they can distract the consumer. With the exception of a link to edit the shopping cart, do not include any other form that allows the customer to leave the checkout page and abandon the process.
3. Avoid excessive forms
One of the facilities of online commerce is the agility in attendanceBut much of this agility is lost when the store has forms that require a lot of information from the user, especially at the e-commerce checkout. The customer himself may feel unmotivated and give up the purchase.
Therefore, prefer to create optimized registrations, with fields that can be easily recognized and intuitive. Ask only for the information needed to complete the purchase in a secure, transparent way, without tiring the consumer.
You can use auto-fill systems, which use information saved in the user's machine, or give the option to use the login of social networks to speed up the registration process.
4. Map of checkout steps
Many times the consumer gives up on making a purchase when the checkout of a store has many steps and he has no notion if he is already reaching the end, or how long it will take to close the purchase. This lack of notion of the stages is one of the reasons that most contributes to the cart abandonment.
One way to avoid this situation is to include a map with the checkout stages, visible to the user. Some e-commerces use a status ruler at the top of the page to show the user what stage they are at and how many more they have to complete the purchase.
The most common stages are: order information, delivery address, payment information, shipping details, etc. This way the consumer knows about the beginning, middle and end of the process.
5. Give proper attention to price information
Hiding shipping amounts or certain fees is a practice that should be banned from e-commerce. This kind of surprise can make the customer feel deceived and give up the purchase, and worse, make a negative marketing of your store.
The ideal is to be as transparent as possible, show the total amount of the purchase, freight, discounts, and taxes. Show everything in detail for the customer to know how it will be charged, this practice can increase conversion of your virtual store.
6. Multiple payment methods at checkout
Nowadays, there are many ways to make payment besides the bill of exchange and credit cards. Debit cards, bank transfers, PIX, and even cashback platforms have entered the consumer's online wallet.
Having the concern to facilitate the customer's buying process will attract many more sales opportunities. Thus, it is worth making sure that your e-commerce has the payment options that are considered the best for your audience and, of course, make sure that you have the best payment options before you start using them. functionality tests before starting to use them.
7. Confirmation Screen
The user may be left in doubt when when finalizing a purchase, no information appears about order confirmation or the next steps that will follow.
To avoid this kind of feeling, it is possible to deal with these doubts at checkout, through a message about the order or payment, as well as the next steps.
Another interesting practice is to send e-mails that confirm each step of the process, so the customer is aware of the entire path of the product until it arrives at his home. Some companies go further and use channels such as whatsapp to make this kind of communication.
By prioritizing a fast checkout experience, your e-commerce business can increase sales, improve the user experience, and decrease the cart abandonment rate.
To help evolve your e-commerce, count on the Codeby team! We are a company specialized in technology, focused on performance and usability that helps companies sell more on their online channels! Contact Our Experts.