Como escolher a melhor plataforma para sua loja online?

How to choose the best platform for your online store?

With the global events of the last two years, the consumer experience has developed much faster than expected. Brand interactions and shopping experiences have taken extremely different directions than they used to.

By 2022, 50% of global consumers say that the pandemic has made them reevaluate their purpose about what's really important, harking back to different aspects of how we lived, worked and shopped just 2 years ago.

In a highly highly competitive marketplace, o personalized service has become synonymous with customer loyalty.

As more and more consumers become adept at digital shoppingonline retailers are facing the painful reality that, while e-commerce has become a e-commerce enables them to stay afloat during the downturn, this newfound reliance on online sales comes at a cost.

With this new scenario, the reflection that sets in is precisely in relation to success around digital channels. And with that, it is also highlighted what are the factors that lead online stores to lose sales opportunity and perform poorly in company planning.

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Despite the fact that e-commerce is widely used today as a separate channel and often as the main sales vehicle, it is important to realize the need to expand the mindset when thinking that an online store is the most important channel for customer interaction.

One big advantage of online stores over physical ones is the amount of information and reports that can be generated and tracked.

As practically everything is done in a computer system, it is registered and can become a report. Following up on this information is extremely important for a professional e-commerce management.

How do I know if I need to change platforms?

When a business begins to enter another level and moves on to new challenges, thinking about the possibility of migration to to adapt your e-commerce to a platform that keeps up with its growthis a fundamental step if the goal is to achieve more success in sales.

However, migrating e-commerce can be a big challenge for retailers, since online stores have complex operations and properties that require robust systems.

Another common concern about platform migration is about e-commerce performance, since it is precisely a matter of transferring the store to another platform while, in the process, providing normal functionality to customers.

Therefore, the first factor that must be taken into consideration regarding platform migration is to have a map of your entire site. If there is no IT professional on staff, it is time to identify exactly where your online store is. In other words, map out the entire situation.

Read also: Learn how to make a navigation map of your site

Evaluating points such as the advantages of the new platform is also fundamental, since it needs to accompany the development of the business, as well as offer the necessary support to generate conversions and a safe environment to sustain a higher number of accesses.

In addition, considering which technological resources are available, such as their capacity for innovation and customization, proves to be indispensable when it comes to changing the layout, adding tools, facilitating access, and improving the user experience.

How to choose the platform that meets the needs of my online store?

Choosing the platform that can offer the best performance for your e-commerce is one of the first steps in ensuring a successful online store.

The right choice can dramatically transform the way you do business, both online and offline. Your choice has a direct effect on the growth and success of your business, so finding the best platform for your business requires careful consideration of your unique operations, market, and goals.

With that in mind, Codeby has created a smart tool that will help you choose the best E-commerce platform according to the structure of your online store!

Choose the best platform with the help of our free platform!

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Evolve your e-commerce! Count on the help of the Codebyan agency specialized in technology, focused on performance and usability to help companies sell more through their digital channels.

Learn all about success of virtual stores talking to our team of experts.

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