Como analisar a performance do seu site

Tooltips: How to analyze your site's performance?

Many professionals believe that optimizing the performance of a site is a need that can wait, but do not pay attention that a slow site contributes to the customer's buying decision, or that the delay in loading causes huge rejection rates contributing to the reduction of organic hits in search engines.

The analysis of the performance of a site aims to identify and understand historical patterns and through them, perform optimizations.

These analyses will allow you to know more about your own site and develop more effective optim izations for the needs of your business, contributing to the user experience.

In today's article, we will share tips on 3 effective tools to analyze the performance of your site and optimize it, through real reports and that will show the right points that need improvement on your site.

Pingdom Speed test

Pingdom is a website performance monitoring tool that will help you get performance information in a simplified and instantaneous way.

The tool has very effective free resources for site performance analysis. And it also has paid features with monitoring focused on two levels, very interesting for the areas of digital marketing, development and IT operations.

The reports generated in this tool are easy to understand, but in case you don't understand any of them, at the end of your report you have an explanation of what is analyzed in each phase and dynamic subtitles are available.

The tool is in English, so before doing the analysis, remember to change the "test from" to the country of your operation, otherwise the analysis will have incorrect data.

Page Speed

PageSpeed Insight is a Google tool for developers. With it you can see how a page performs on desktop and mobile and even suggest technical improvements to your site.

The tool has two types of data, the so-called lab data, which is used to capture performance problems, and the field data, which is useful for capturing the true experience that the user is having on your site.

It is a slightly more technical tool, but brings interesting metrics about performance.


You can also get a detailed analysis about your site's performance using SpeedBy, a tool created by Codeby that does the analysis based on the average of other sites in your segment.

In addition, SpeedBy analyzes your site on desktop and mobile devices and separates the data into two reports, because we know the importance of maintaining a fast site on any device.

The tool is in Portuguese and has tips to improve your results in each of the metrics presented. The interface is easy to understand and free.

Google Audits - Lighthouse

This is one of the best known among site analysis tools. You can access it through the Chrome browser, by right clicking and "inspect", or by installing the extension in your browser.

Lighthouse runs a series of tests on your pages and generates a full report on their performance, showing indicators on performance, best practices, accessibility, and SEO.

It is a free tool, but a bit more complex to analyze if you do not have a little technical knowledge.

It is worth remembering that these analyses need to be performed continuously to maintain the quality of the site. In addition, they will be of great value to understand your customer's behavior and how your site can adapt to this.

If you like the content, we recommend reading our "Performance Guide for eCommerce" where you will learn how to perform step-by-step analysis in all the tools mentioned here, as well as detailed explanations of each of the metrics analyzed.

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