Create opportunities for your e-commerce on Father's Day
As a rising seasonal date, Father's Day is gaining more visibility among consumers. In 2018 alone, sales on this date were the best in the last 6 years and in the e-commerce mode, the revenue of R$2.09 billion was second only to Mother's Day (with R$2.11 billion billed on the date).
The forecast for 2019 is that sales on this date will be even better, because in a consumer survey, 38% of people reported that they intend to spend more this year to gift their fathers, and are open to doing business with new brands.
Based on some studies conducted by Google, we raised some tips on how to develop your campaign and prepare your site for Father's Day more effectively and ensuring real interaction between brand and consumer.
Know Your Audience And Create Effective Campaigns
With society constantly evolving, campaigns that worked in previous years may not work this year (and next). This is because we are changing some concepts and standards, becoming less receptive to stereotypes and more interested in representation of who we really are.
Proof of this is that about 65% of parents rarely or never identify with the image that appears in advertisements. The least popular campaigns among this public are those that show characteristics of the perfect father, fathers with a secondary or supporting role in raising children, or very strict fathers.
This is mainly linked to the change in the role of men aligning themselves with the concept of the new masculinity, where there is greater equality between genders and more active participation in child rearing.
In a research conducted by Google Survey, the public would like to see incorporated in the campaigns the notion of a protagonist father, a caregiver and present in everyday life. Check out the results of the survey conducted by Google Survey, where they talk about aspects they would like to see portrayed:

By showing these characteristics of more present fatherhood, the benefits go beyond the relationship between brand and consumer, but also help improve aspects of society.
How Are Father's Day Shopping Done?
With our increasingly accelerated routines, shopping for commemorative seasonal dates is often left to the last moments. According to data from Google Survey, at least half of the purchases are made the day before or on the day itself, causing 1 in 5 consumers to choose to buy online.
It may not be a large number, but the online channel has potential for growth on the date, offering more attractive conditions such as free shipping, short delivery time, and attractive prices, as shown in the following chart.

Besides the fact of leaving the shopping to the last minute, one of the difficulties encountered is the choice of gifts.
Most people don't know what their parents' interests are, and end up looking for creative gift ideas or tips. The searches for themes like this one grow about 8% in the week of Father's Day.
This is a good chance to offer information and inspiration through content, an interesting strategy for e-commerce.
Learn How to Conquer E-Shoppers and Increase Your Sales on Father's Day
Now that you know the behavior of the public who buys on Father's Day, it's time to know how to increase your sales and attract this public to your e-commerce. It may seem like a challenge, but with the following tips, you will be ready to conquer new e-shoppers and improve your site's performance during the event.
Inspire consumers with kits and product compositions
With the increase in searches for gift tips, an interesting way for your site to stand out this date is to segment products into kits in themed compositions.
Use interests by hobbies if your business works with several product segmentations, such as kits for parents who like cooking, technology, fashion, gardening, and sports. Set up displays that make it as easy as possible to find the perfect gift.
Now, if your store works with only one segment, use personality traits to compose the tips. For example, if your store works with fashion, indicate looks of varied styles that can be identified quickly.
An interesting tool for you that opts for this type of strategy is to use Shoplook, which through hotspots allows the customer to buy complete looks or items of interest, directly from the catalog with just one click.
Use content marketing to inform
According to data from Google Survey, about 49% of consumers usually seek information about the date on the Internet, and having relevant content on your site will make all the difference.
Many people associate this strategy with content produced only for blogs, but customer reviews, images, videos, and neat product descriptions help to rank in Google.
In addition, using relevant content can raise your brand's credibility in the eyes of customers.
Get your mobile version up and running
Mobile shopping is a reality and is becoming more and more popular in the market because of the ease of shopping from anywhere using a cell phone.
Therefore, it is important that your site follows this reality and has a mobile version working for the date. The tip is to bet on responsive layouts that adapt to any screen size, the initial investment is not so big and your store will be able to reach a larger audience.
Organize your site's product shelf
A strategy little used online, but that makes a lot of sense, is visual merchandising that creates a comfortable atmosphere that elevates the user experience.
Besides theming the site, with banners, promotions, images, and products for the date, it is important that your site's shelf also delivers a complete experience and maintains the atmosphere of the main page.
Sounds complicated, but it isn't! It is possible to organize the products on your product shelf through the Score of each item. By doing this your customer can access products from the same collection, similar or that complement each other just by browsing the Shelf.
If your platform is VTEX, there is already an easy way to organize products using the VMIO APP for VTEX IO. The cool thing is that the app is totally free(Learn more here).
Use plugins that enhance your customer's experience
Using plugins that increase the navigation through your site is paramount if your brand values the best customer experience, because once added the plugins can create a contact with the site visitor, communicate about promotions, facilitate the purchase process among many other facilities.
We have separated four interesting plugins for Father's Day below:
Game LayoverWith a roulette-style Layover activated with a click, the customer has the chance to win one of the discounts offered and add it to his next purchase.
Buy it on the Shelf: This plugin has the option to select color and size right on the shelf, without the need to go to the product page.
The customer can buy the item of desire straight from the shelf, having his purchase facilitated by the Plugin.
Tip Bar (carousel): A carousel-like bar at the bottom or top with tips, promotions, and campaigns that are happening on your site.
The messages are customized by the VTEX CMS.
Promotion Notification: Keep your customer informed of news, announcements and/or promotions, on every page of your store.
The messages are registered in the VTEX Master Data and displayed in the store front, with the option to add links.
The good news is that they are on sale, buying one Plugin you get 20% off the second one.
We hope that the topics discussed in the article will be of great help to conduct an effective campaign for Father's Day, with interesting campaigns and a site prepared for the opportunities that this date will bring.
So, which topic did you like the most? Any questions? Let us know.