As maiores tendências para a indústria de moda digital

The biggest trends for the digital fashion industry

Com os eventos globais dos últimos dois anos, a experiência do consumidor se desenvolveu muito mais rápido do que o esperado. As interações com a marca e as experiências de compra tomaram direções extremamente diferentes do que costumavam fazer.

Até 2022, 50% dos consumidores globais dizem que a pandemia os fez reavaliar seu propósito sobre o que é realmente importante, remontando a diferentes aspectos de como vivíamos, trabalhávamos e comprávamos há apenas 2 anos.

Em um mercado altamente competitivo, o atendimento personalizado tornou-se sinônimo de fidelização de clientes.

À medida que mais e mais consumidores se tornam compradores digitais, os varejistas on-line estão vivendo uma realidade dolorosa que, embora o comércio eletrônico permita que eles permaneçam à tona durante a crise, essa nova dependência das vendas on-line tem um custo.

A tecnologia tornou-se uma poderosa aliada para as empresas que empreendem a transformação digital, a importância de agregar tecnologia e experiência do usuário torna-se uma obrigação para um contato mais pessoal com o produto, e a estratégia de UX mais completa em oposição à oferecida no comércio físico quanto possível.

Maghan Mcdowell, editora de inovação da Vogue Business, contou em sua palestra no E-commerce Forum Brasil – Edição Global 2020, quais são as perspectivas para a indústria da moda e também citou algumas inovações da editora, para entregar experiências únicas, futuristas e realistas para o e-commerce.

Muitas dessas inovações levam em conta a entrega de uma experiência personalizada aliada à realidade virtual, tecnologia que vem sendo explorada não só na moda, mas em segmentos como turismo e arte, construção e decoração, entre muitos outros.

Uma das dificuldades de comprar roupas e acessórios online é a impossibilidade de experimentar peças, de saber como essas roupas ficarão no seu corpo, o que motiva muitos consumidores a optarem por não comprar por meio de canais digitais.

Leia também: Como entregar uma experiência perfeita de e-commerce de moda

O consumidor de moda digital em 2023

Entender o consumidor, desde o seu comportamento, até quais tendências ele está seguindo, é um elemento indispensável das estratégias de marca e negócios.

Ao contrário de 2022, em 2023 o grande desafio será entender os sinais mistos que refletem um ambiente caracterizado por forças opostas. A exuberância após uma pandemia acaba com o cenário, com a cautela diante da turbulência econômica.

Espera-se que o cliente de 2023 seja ainda mais seletivo, buscando experiências ainda mais ricas que misturem a fluidez digital promovida pela pandemia, com a familiaridade e intimidade dos tempos offline mais tradicionais.

A realidade aumentada e os recursos virtuais, como "experimente antes de comprar", ganharam destaque para atender à necessidade de proporcionar experiências satisfatórias ao cliente.

Uma pesquisa realizada pela BigCommerce mostra que os líderes do setor estimam que 35% dos consumidores dizem que comprariam mais on-line se pudessem experimentar virtualmente um produto antes de comprá-lo.

Outra pesquisa com mais de 30.000 consumidores realizada pela BrizFeel mostrou que mais da metade (51%) disse que o maior impedimento para fazer compras on-line era não ser capaz de "tocar, sentir ou experimentar um produto".

O design digital 3D consiste basicamente em modelos de roupas tridimensionais de aparência realista que se moldam ao corpo do consumidor e mostram combinações para essa peça. Além disso, tem a proposta de ser sustentável, para que a peça só entre em produção após a compra.

Uma das principais empresas que estão apostando nessa tecnologia é a Tommy Hilfiger, que começou em sua coleção de primavera em 2022.

Funcionalidade: Provador virtual - VTEX

A plataforma VTEX oferece a funcionalidade Virtual Tester como ferramenta para sites de moda e acessórios, que utiliza inteligência artificial a partir de informações fornecidas pelo usuário para oferecer recomendação de tamanho ideal.

Com essa funcionalidade é possível aumentar a confiança com o cliente e, consequentemente, a conversão do site. Por conta disso, é possível reduzir o número de trocas e devoluções, já que o consumidor terá uma noção melhor do tamanho e de como o produto pode ficar no corpo.

For the functionality to work properly, it is important to teach the consumer how to take body measurements, after all, these will be used as input for the result.

An effective way is to use illustrative image indicating each region that should be measured.

Read also: Fast Store: How to leverage the technology of your e-commerce

Check out some trends for the fashion industry in digital

The fashion retail has been going through an intense transformation since 2020 because of the pandemic and the changes that have come and transformed the market, the form of consumption and many other aspects of everyday life in the fashion items trade.

It is no secret that the health crisis of recent years has forced businesses in all segments to review their sales strategies and adapt to the new habits and needs of consumers.

The year 2022 was marked by the incorporation of new processes, new ways of relating to the consumer, the integration and unification of sales channels, all this so that the experience delivered to the customer is as complete as possible.

With so many changes in the fashion industry and in consumer habits many are the market trends that emerge with the big brands, taking the fashion retail to a new level when it comes to technology and innovation.

Learn about the perspectives for the future of the digital fashion industry and what the retailer can do to innovate its sales strategy, according to the new consumer needs and world trends.

Augmented reality

You may already know Snapchat and the fun filters that the application provides to the user, what you may not know is that many of these filters use the principles of virtual reality and can be used in favor of your business.

Virtual reality enables much more user interaction with your brand and products. Through this technology it is possible to give the opportunity to try on accessories, clothes, and even give a sense of proportion of products.

It is a trend that can be explored in social networks such as Facebook Shopping and Instagram Shopping.

Digital clothing

Digital clothing has an interesting capacity for user interactivity with your brand. First, it makes it possible to try on clothes that escape from one's personal style, and visually encourage the attempt to acquire a new style.

The last few years have brought a new interest in the consumer: trying new things. And digital clothing is a great option, especially when brought to the reality of the consumer, who is already used to a similar experience in games or some social media.


Showing products through video is already a practice adopted by some brands in their sales strategy in e-commerce. Besides showing more details of the product, videos give notions of proportion and create a more receptive atmosphere to the customer.

But have you ever thought about making sales through video? That's right, one of the trends mentioned by Maghan Mcdowell, and widely used in the East by luxury brands, is the sale of fashion products through videos.

The tool has the proposal to be dynamic and usable on any video device, giving the customer an exclusive service and a unique experience. In addition, it is possible to gather important data about your customer, such as buying behavior, products of interest, cart abandonment, and most viewed products.

Read also: Customize your e-commerce with the right features

Content Commerce

Community Commerce is a new strategic model of using digital channels as a sales channel. This is so-called creator-driven e-commerce, i.e. that which is powered by the ability of the community to make brands and products take off quickly.

The big advantage of this trend is to influence the purchase of products through social networks, as has been proven to be a new consumer behavior.

Within community commerce, users are able to be part of the creation of brands.

A great success case of how this can work is the booktok movement and the direct relationship with the increase in sales of children's and teenage books in the literary market, proving that Community Commerce is a trend driven by the online community through social networks.

According to Daniela Okuma, Head of Sales for E-commerce Retail at TikTok Brazil:

"There is no single way to 'do' Community Commerce. It can be translated into all content."

The key is to follow creative principles that guarantee the success of the attractions, that is:

  • Learning to work with reality, honesty and authenticity;
  • Stay connected, stay on trend, and stay relatable;
  • Be natural, creative, and keep the creator at the center;
  • Explore opportunities, be fun and interesting.

Alt Commerce

The passing of the years has also brought younger consumers into the digital market, offering new challenges for anyone not prepared to meet the needs and demands of future generations.

Generation Z, the name given to those born after 1995, accounts for at least 36.7% of the world population - which only goes to show that within a few years, their consumer power will be so influential that they will certainly need to retain much more attention over the older generations, and can never be forgotten.

Because of this, a new trend has gained prominence in retail as a possibility to meet the profile of a younger generation, where the demands go far beyond omnichannel logistics.

Alt Commerce is a concept that illustrates the need for automation and distribution of products through the integration of payment methods, and more diverse delivery models.

During NRF 2022, National Retail Federation, Kate Ancketill brought irrefutable insights about the behavior of the new generation in the market.

Her talk began with the words:

"Okay Boomer, we don't care about your Omnichannel."

That sentence, in itself, already says a lot about the reality of Generation Z.

After all, "Ok Boomer" has become a slang popularized by young people through platforms like TikTok, Twitter and Instagram, used especially to talk about the generation of Millennials, while there are also Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964. The intent is clear, it is like a "rolling of the eyes," an expression of disdain.

While the rest of the sentence exemplifies everything about Alt-Commerce: it's not just about Omnichannel, it takes a lot more to win over the new generation.

The name of the concept, Alt Commerce basically means Alternative Commerce, or Alternative Commerce. And in particular, its public is the one that is used to high doses of technology. They are people who grew up with smartphones in hand and social networks are the main means of communication they use from the beginning.

Because of highly gamified experiences and fast, objective answers, their habits are increasingly demanding. Online shopping is part of everyday life and fast deliveries should be seen as the norm.

That is why in Alt Commerce, the experience promises to be social, gamified, and especially live.

Escape from the traditional will be paramount for the consumer experience. For the new generations, there are studies that prove that at least 31% of Generation Z already consider traditional e-commerce a boring buying model, so it will be essential to innovate the relationship with the consumer and the model of the sales channels.

With the speed of digital development, it will be necessary to find more and more ways to communicate with your customers, innovating from game platforms and interactive experiences. In addition to understanding the use of prominent social networks such as TikTok, Instagram, etc.

Social Commerce

The trend has emerged as a new sales format through the need for companies to get closer to customers. Becoming one of the most revolutionary business strategies of the moment, especially for retailers. The concept is quite simple and the name itself already suggests it: selling products and/or services directly through social networks.

Nowadays, companies are increasingly seeking to reach their customers wherever they are, and social networks are really indispensable in this sense. Thanks to their gigantic proportions and the influence they have on our daily lives, these channels have changed the way people shop and interact with companies.

After all, consumers are now using social networks to research offers, ask questions, seek opinions, and consequently feel confident to make a purchase. The networks have become the new showcases for brands. Everything is validated through them. Before making the purchase, as mentioned above, customers have already had previous contact with the company or have been impacted by an advertisement. And only then do they make the decision to purchase a product/service.

According to Statista, a German company specialized in market data, the Social Commerce market is expected to move over US$3 trillion worldwide in the next eight years. Therefore, having a strategy that includes this sales format is essential to leverage the revenue and recognition of your online and even offline commerce.

This shows that Social Commerce has a huge potential for online stores. And its strategy goes far beyond simply offering products. Brands use relevant content, organic posts, sponsored ads or even actions with influencers to strengthen the relationship with their customers and, consequently, stimulate sales.

Check out some data:

  • The more there is presence on social networks, the more there is a possibility of purchase. Stores with less than one account on the networks have on average 32% more sales than stores that do not use social media;
  • 84% of online consumers in the United States check at least one social media platform to check product reviews before adding an item to the cart;
  • As the first mobile generation, Instagram is one of the top discovery channels for Generation Z. A report by Composed found that 60% of Gen Z consumers in the US use the platform to discover new brands.

Finally, we can conclude that digitalization has been growing more and more, settling into a place of privilege among market strategies, while still bringing numerous benefits in the name of market innovation.

When we think about more traditional sales models, it is possible to identify certain limitations, such as location. Through a digital, or hybrid, working model, we can identify greater possibilities for strategies, besides covering a larger territory than what 100% physical sales imposes.

The Omnichannel strategy has gained increasing prominence at times when digitalization is explored, especially in fashion retail, emphasizing the care with the customer journey, keeping the consumer as the main focus.

Offering the possibility of experience and brand loyalty to consumers is essential, keeping brands and retailers within the potential to stand out in the market.

Be sure to check out our Checklist: The indispensable features for a fashion e-commerce

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