TESTBOTS: Os robôs chegaram para automatizar seus testes e não deixar perder receita!

TESTBOTS: The robots are here to automate your tests and not let you lose revenue!

I'll tell you a true story, I am a programmer and founder of some digital businesses like Codeby, Socialbuy, Shoplook, Testby, I didn't use Testbot's inside any of them, and I was losing revenue because of lack of testing, horrible, isn't it?

The trigger was when I saw a client losing 2 hours of sales, due to technical problems in his ecommerce, I started to wonder, isn't there any way to solve this problem? To recover a revenue of R$ 40 thousand?

I spent weeks studying, testing tools and I couldn't find anything, until I decided to build an in house solution at Codeby, and finally we reached a very good automated testing tool.


A Testbot is a robot that runs automated actions inside your platform, e.g:

If you are an ecommerce it keeps simulating a user to the cart or finalize the purchase, if any error happens it will warn you!

If you are a platform it will simulate a user in the navigation, until it finishes the defined goals, and if any error happens it will warn you!

If you have a website or any digital business, it will simulate your customer path until an error happens, and if it does, it will warn you!

The coolest thing is that the Testby tool uses itself to test itself, amazing right?

At Codeby we intend to implement it in all our e-commerce clients so that we can save revenue, or at least stop losing revenue.

At Socialbuy and Shoplook, the intention of using Testbosts is to never lose a contact and to reduce the number of churns due to errors in the platform.

FAMO JABA (Not the intention of this post): I think it's nice for those who have this problem to contact us, because I think we can give a nice automation in the testing of your digital business. =]

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