The Shopping Funnel is Great For Identifying Problems On Your Site, So Let's Set It Up.
Log into your administrator and go to goals:

Go to new goal:

Select the custom option:

Select the description of your goal

Now define your goal:

I will make it easy for you
Destination: ^ / checkout / orderProduct placed
: / p ($ | \?)
Cart: ^ / checkout / (# / cart)? $
Email: ^ / checkout / # / email
Registration entry: ^ / checkout / # / profile
Shipping address: ^ / checkout / # / shipping
Payment method: ^ / checkout / # / payment
Just save and you have the complete funnel. I will make it easy for you.
Destination: ^ / checkout / orderProduct placed
: / p ($ | \?)
Cart: ^ / checkout / (# / cart)? $
Email: ^ / checkout / # / email
Record entry: ^ / checkout / # / profile
Shipping address: ^ / checkout / # / shipping
Payment method: ^ / checkout / # / payment
Just save and you have the complete funnel.