UX para e-commerce, omnichannel, marketplace, LGPD e cibersegurança veja os materiais mais baixados em 2021

UX for e-commerce, omnichannel, marketplace, LGPD and cybersecurity see the most downloaded materials in 2021

The year 2021 was the stage for new trends emerged, as well as new opportunities for e-commerces to optimize their operations.

If 2020 was the year of digital transformation for many companies, 2021 was certainly the year of digital channel adaptation and innovation. This made companies look for optimizations in the user experience, ways to integrate their channels, and even how to take their operation to the next level through marketplaces.

Companies also sought to adapt their information security and user privacy processes, after all, 2021 was also the year in which the Brazilian LGPD went into full effect.

We have separated in this article, 5 materials with really relevant issues for you who are in the innovation phase of your digital channels and are looking for insights, guides and complete information on the topics. Check them out below.

UX and UI for e-commerce

Guia de UX para e-commerce

UX (user experience) is extremely important for an e-commerce to be successful, since this study seeks to understand the user and facilitate his journey on the site, his experience with the brand, or even the experience that involves the entire purchase process.

UX is this - thinking about the user, how he interacts with what you offer, and how to deliver it in the best way so that he instinctively knows what to do and likes it.

For example, if you have an e-commerce in the fashion segment, the user may want to "just take a look" to explore the products, he may already have in mind what he wants and need to be as objective as possible or simply want to compare prices.

And it is important that your store offers a good experience for all these cases. If he just wants to explore, make the store navigation fluid and pleasant; if he wants to be objective, make the journey to checkout easy and without obstacles; if he wants to compare prices, show him that there are more advantages to buying from you than just price.

In this E-book we invited our UX design expert to share a more strategic vision about user experience in e-commerce. You will find chapters on how to work with usability, the biggest trends in UX, strategic tools, UX applied to business, and usability best practices.

Get a more strategic vision of UX in your e-commerce, download this material now!

Omnichannel strategies

Guia de omnichannel para negócios digitais

An omnichannel strategy is essential to make the shopping experience pleasant and to build customer loyalty, bringing numerous benefits to your business as an increase in the average ticket and reduction in the cost of acquiring new customers.

The advantage for the customer is to be able to use different channels to acquire products and services from the same supplier. Therefore, expanding communication tools to make available a wider variety of sales channels in a way that integrates them and puts the customer at the center of the experience has become a challenge to be overcome by companies.

E-commerce has brought us this far, and omnicanality will take us further. The consumer is omnicanal and your e-commerce business needs to be omnicanal too, that's why in partnership with LinkApi we developed this e-book to be used as a practical guide on how to implement or evolve OmniChannel strategies in your business.

Download now the e-book "The importance of integrations for omnichannel strategies

Cybersecurity for e-commerce

cibersegurança para lojistas e e-commerce

Online security is a topic that is taking on increasing connotations in the market. According to the MZ Group, search terms related to security had an increase of 220% compared to the previous year.

The first half of the year was also marked by several attacks by cybercriminals to destroy or gain access to valuable assets. These security issues included modern high-profile ransomware attacks, active campaigns, critical vulnerabilities, Covid-19-related scams, and other threats, which threaten data in the cloud and internet of things (IoT).

For companies to better prepare for the future, it is necessary to understand the cybersecurity landscape, after all, all are susceptible to attacks.

For this reason, our expert team has written this guide with the main points about cybersecurity, for you to understand how important this topic is for your business, as well as to know what you need to worry about when it comes to the security of your e-commerce.

Download now "Cyber Security Deck 2022 for e-commerces and retailers

The role of the marketplace in online retail

o papel do marketplace no varejo digital

When working with online retail, retailers are faced with several sales channels that can be incorporated into their strategy. As is the case with marketplaces, which are a way to increase the reach of your brand and even become a strong sales conversion channel.

Currently you can choose to insert the marketplace in your strategy in two ways, either by joining as a partner in the structure of already consolidated brands and offering their product mix, or by starting your own marketplace structure, becoming the environment where other retailers can offer their products.

The VTEX platform enables the merchant to work with marketplace in both ways, through its solutions that optimize operations, integrations and management of your operation.

Whichever way you choose to work, managing a marketplace is totally different from managing a single e-commerce after all, the dynamics of the channel has its own characteristics, there are several specific terms, requirements that change according to the chosen partner, each of these characteristics needs to be understood so that when you choose to insert this channel into your sales strategy, the implementation is positive and brings results.

For this reason, we have prepared this book as a basic guide for the implementation of a marketplace, using the technologies of the VTEX platform. Besides understanding the concept of marketplace and its growing performance in the online market, we will teach you step-by-step how to initiate your sales in partner marketplaces and also how to set up your own environment for sales from other sellers. You will know how to work with this sales channel through the VTEX platform, read the guide.

Download now the "VTEX Marketplace Implementation Guide

A guide about LGPD

um guia para a LGPD

LGPD comes from the acronym Data Protection Act, it will change the way companies work and operate by establishing rules about collecting, storing, handling and sharing personal data.

The law defines "personal data" as any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, and "data processing" as any operation performed with personal data, such as those related to the collection, classification, use, access, access, reproduction, processing, storage, deletion, and control of information, among others.

It is worth noting that the LGPD came into force on September 18th, 2020, the penalties for non-compliance with the law began on August 1st, 2021. If you have a business that deals with public information, it is very important to be aware of the new General Law of Data Protection.

Download now "A Guide to the General Data Protection Law

So, which topic were you most interested in? We have more content and insights with the main themes about e-commerce and digital business, visit our materials page and stay on top of the most recent themes.

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