Como aumentar suas vendas no Natal 2022

How to Increase Your Christmas 2022 Sales

A experiência do consumidor se desenvolveu muito mais rápido nos últimos anos do que o esperado. As interações com a marca e as experiências de compra tomaram direções diferentes do que costumavam tomar.

Em 2022, uma pesquisa da Accenture registrou que 50% dos consumidores globais dizem que a pandemia os fez reavaliar seus propósitos sobre o que é realmente importante, remontando a diferentes aspectos de como vivíamos, trabalhávamos e fazíamos compras há 2 anos.

consumidores natal digital |

Em um mercado altamente competitivo, o atendimento personalizado tornou-se sinônimo de fidelização de clientes. 72% dos consumidores que reavaliaram suas compras dizem que esperam que as empresas com as quais fazem negócios entendam e atendam às suas necessidades com mais atenção.

Enquanto 50% dessas pessoas apontam que inúmeras empresas as decepcionaram por não fornecer serviço, suporte e compreensão imediatos às suas necessidades durante as dificuldades da pandemia.

natal 2022 vendas online

E-commerce is widely used nowadays as a sales support channel within companies, in many cases with the potential to become the main channel for revenue generation. This requires understanding the full immediacy of interaction, engagement and direct sales that these digital channels can influence retail.

For the consumer, in 2019 there was already a search for differentiated experiences that were positive, influenced especially by good service, relationship and communication of the sales platforms.

In data surveyed by Folha magazine, we can see that much of this was potentiated during the pandemic, bringing in 2020, in the period of 100 days, the increase of 5.7 million consumers to digital commerce.

So it makes sense to think of e-commerce as a functionality that is part of a larger structure and unified by a good strategy, bringing together the main needs of the consumer: purchase, experience, service, among others.

With the strong evolution of digital transformation, new consumer behavioral trends started to highlight new habits.

This has also brought younger consumers into the digital market, offering new challenges for anyone not prepared to meet the needs and demands of future generations.

According to a study by eMarketer, in the year 2022, the e-commerce growth is expected to reach 21%, reaching a total of U$5.5 trillion worldwide.

Among the prominent dates where e-commerce will gain the most momentum are Black Friday - which promises a nominal growth of 5% in sales over the 2021 event, and the World Cup.

Read also: Digital Innovation Trends for Industry and B2B companies

The importance of omnicanality in the digital marketplace

Thinking about the consumer experience, is to understand that during all stages of purchase their motivations have shifted to the name of safety and comfort.

This has happened because the digital universe has become increasingly diverse, offering numerous technological trends that combine complexity according to what the user seeks.

Interactions with brands and shopping experiences have taken extremely different directions than they used to.

With digital transformation, many consumers have become more attentive not only to the items they purchase, but also more demanding of the model that will deliver the complete experience.

Omnicality has become indispensable, gaining more and more prominence to tighten the relationship between online and offline, enhancing the experience of the consumer who is gradually looking for faster, safer, and more convenient shopping options.

To operate a true Omnichannel strategy, it is necessary to have all points of contact integrated and maintain the line of communication throughout the entire purchase journey. And this is not an easy task when having numerous software and systems that support an e-commerce operation.

The retail trend is towards bringing digital and physical media closer together, so having an Omnichannel operation means that the customer can choose the best channel to make a purchase, or even start making a purchase on one channel and finish it on another.

According to McKinsey data, omnichannel customers shop 70% more frequently and spend 34% more than consumers who shop exclusively through one channel.

With this, the importance of integrating channels during the e-commerce journey becomes increasingly clear, highlighting the attention to exceed the expectations of an ideal experience for consumers. After all, omnichannel is not used only for sales purposes; the main focus is the customer, so factors related to the entire customer journey must be taken into consideration.

To put the Omnichannel strategy into practice, it is important to be aware that innovation goes far beyond marketing. The practice must start from the processes and even from the culture of the company's own employees in a way that aims at positive and satisfactory results.

It is important to address at least five pillars to make the strategy work, they are

  • Technology;
  • Logistics
  • Customer Service;
  • Training;

Omnichannel is not only a trend for companies, but a preference increasingly requested by the consumer, who is gradually looking for convenient, personalized, and immediate options.

Read also: E-commerce calendar to leverage your sales in 2023

Christmas 2022 in the digital marketplace

With numerous major retail events being highlighted in the third quarter of 2022 - such as Black Friday and the World Cup in Qatar, Christmas comes with full force and great expectations to boost retail sales.

Important factors, such as the brief drop in the unemployment rate in Brazil, as well as the increase in social aid made available by the government to the population, may also generate revenue for the market.

A survey conducted by AllIn, registers that at least 60% of respondents will go shopping for Christmas 2022. While data from Think With Google, indicate that 26% of consumers have already started shopping for the end of the year.

According to an estimate by the National Confederation of Goods, Services and Tourism, Christmas this year should move R$65 billion in Brazil. This means that if the expectation is reached, it will be the first real increase in sales after two years of loss during the event, however, without matching the sales volume of 2019, which was over R$67 billion.

Back to the data raised by AllIn, among the categories that gain prominence among consumers, Fashion and Accessories lead with 49%, being followed by Beauty and Cosmetics, with 33% of shopping intentions for Christmas.

natal digital 2022 vender mais

The survey also showed that the public has anticipated, searching for offers in several sources, focusing on the digital universe and highlighting the need for the hybrid market.

vender mais no natal 2022

Read also: E-commerce trends 2023

Get to know some actions that can leverage your sales at Christmas 2022

As in previous years, Christmas 2022 will significantly boost sales in both offline and online markets.

With numerous major retail events playing out in the last quarter of 2022, the World Cup and Black Friday kicked off retail sales.

Therefore, to bring smart strategies to Christmas, it is important to think about promotions and other initiatives on behalf of higher sales during seasonal dates. Check out some types of promotions that can be applied in e-commerce:

Progressive discounting

This type of promotion can be used to assign a percentage discount for a certain amount of products added to the cart.

Creating a more attractive prospect, your store can put conditions for the purchase of 2 items for the customer to earn a percentage discount.

Progressive discounts are widely used to increase the average shopping cart ticket and works very well to increase conversion rates.

Buy Together

One of the most used strategies in e-commerce is for sure the matched buy, also known as "Buy Together", and this is because it is an excellent ally in the growth of a brand's sales.

The Buy Together is widely used to give discounts for two or more complementary products when bought together or for similar products from the same collection.

In practice, the Buy Together is made available as a field on the product page or promotional area of a site page, showing users one or more purchase options related to the product in question.

Buy and Win

This type of promotion is interesting for unlocking psychological behaviors in consumers who prefer to choose free options over discount promotions.

It is often used to offer two products for the price of one, offer free shipping on the purchase of specific products, or a free gift when the product of the promotion is purchased.

Either way, Buy and Win is a positive factor in increasing conversion rates and decreasing cart abandonment rates by making the product more attractive to shoppers.

Contact us to learn more!

Evolve your e-commerce! Count on the help of the Codeby team, an agency specialized in technology, focused on performance and usability to help companies sell more through their digital channels.

Get to know our solutions by talking to our team of experts.

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