Personalize seu e-commerce com as funcionalidades certas

Customize your e-commerce with the right features

Os canais digitais se desenvolveram alinhados com o avanço da transformação digital, trazendo benefícios e crescimento para as empresas, como melhoria da experiência do cliente e aumento do volume de vendas.

Para que os resultados sejam alcançados de forma satisfatória, os empreendedores perceberam que é necessário alcançar uma estratégia digital inteligente, oferecendo experiências que pudessem centralizar as informações em canais diversos e estruturados para o usuário.

No ano de 2021, a Samba Digital divulgou um estudo afirmando que 76% das empresas já estavam em processo de transformação digital. No ano que se seguiu, líderes de todos os segmentos continuam aumentando seus investimentos em tecnologia.

Em um momento de constante evolução, as empresas passaram a operar melhor diante de estratégias inovadoras que oferecem mais desafios do que padrões previsíveis.

O e-commerce é amplamente utilizado hoje como um canal de suporte de vendas dentro das empresas, em muitos casos com potencial para se tornar o principal canal gerador de receita. Isso requer entender todo o imediatismo de interação, engajamento e vendas diretas que esses canais digitais podem influenciar no varejo.

A ideia é que, no futuro, o e-commerce seja tratado como um recurso dentro dos canais digitais e não o meio mais importante.

Para o consumidor, antes da crise já havia uma busca por experiências diferenciadas que fossem positivas, influenciadas principalmente pelo bom atendimento, relacionamento e comunicação das plataformas de vendas.

Em dados levantados pela revista Folha, podemos ver que muito disso foi potencializado durante a pandemia, trazendo em 2020, em um período de 100 dias, um aumento de 5,7 milhões de consumidores para o comércio digital.

Por isso, faz sentido pensar no e-commerce como uma funcionalidade que faz parte de uma estrutura maior e unificada por uma boa estratégia, unificando as principais necessidades do consumidor: compra, experiência, atendimento, entre outras.

Com a forte evolução da transformação digital, novas tendências comportamentais de consumo começaram a destacar novos hábitos.

Isso também trouxe consumidores mais jovens para o mercado digital, oferecendo novos desafios para quem não está preparado para atender às necessidades e demandas das gerações futuras.

Assim, pensando na experiência do consumidor, tornou-se entender que durante todas as etapas da compra suas motivações mudaram para o nome de segurança e conforto.

Leia também: Varejo omnichannel: como usar a estratégia VTEX ship-from-store?

Isso tem acontecido porque o universo digital tem se tornado cada vez mais diversificado, oferecendo inúmeras tendências tecnológicas que conciliam complexidade de acordo com o que o usuário busca.

As interações com marcas e as experiências de compra tomaram direções extremamente diferentes do que costumavam ser.

De acordo com projeção calculada pela ABComm, a previsão é que o crescimento do e-commerce em 2023 seja de R$ 185,7 bilhões. O ticket médio pode subir para R$ 470 por compra. Enquanto uma pesquisa da Worldpay da FIS, estimou que o comércio digital no Brasil deve crescer aproximadamente 56% até 2024.

Dessa forma, podemos destacar que o movimento em torno do Omnichannel permanecerá em foco, mantendo o consumidor em foco nas estratégias até pelo menos 2030.

Para o setor de moda e acessórios, por exemplo, de acordo com a Statista, a taxa de crescimento anual dessa indústria dentro do e-commerce deve chegar a 14,2% até 2025, com uma valorização de US$ 1 trilhão até 2024.

Isso porque as vendas de vestuário, calçados e acessórios continuam crescendo, chegando a US$ 204,9 bilhões até 2022 apenas nos Estados Unidos. Até 2023, espera-se que a indústria atinja US$ 232,1 no país.

Therefore, this proves to be the most important time to stay alert as to what the consumer is looking for and how to deliver a complete experience across complete channels.

What does Omnichannel change in the digital market?

A strategy that underscores its importance to tighten the relationship between online and offline, enhancing the experience of the consumer who is gradually looking for faster, safer, and more convenient shopping options.

The omnichannel concept is a strategy that adopts various means of purchase and service, integrating them to provide the consumer an experience that has no differences between online and offline channels, offering more complete and unified contact of the consumer with the brand.

When thinking about this concept, it is impossible not to think of online purchases with pickup in physical stores. However, this strategy has several service channels that follow the concept of multichannel, while Omnichannel explores further, operating the integration of all channels so that the customer experience is preferably positive and equal at any point of contact with the company.

To operate a true Omnichannel strategy, you need to have all touch points integrated and maintain the line of communication throughout the entire purchase journey. And this is not an easy task when having numerous software and systems that support an e-commerce operation.

The retail trend is towards bringing digital and physical media closer together, so having an Omnichannel operation means that the customer can choose the best channel to make a purchase, or even start making a purchase on one channel and finish it on another.

According to data surveyed by McKinseyomnichannel customers make purchases 70% more often and spend about 34% more than consumers who shop exclusively through one channel.

With this, it is increasingly clear the importance of channel integration during the e-commerce journey, highlighting the attention to exceed the expectations of an ideal experience for consumers. After all, omnichannel is not used only for sales purposes; the main focus is the customer, so factors related to the entire customer journey must be taken into consideration.

To put the Omnichannel strategy into practice, it is important to be aware that innovation goes far beyond marketing. The practice must start from the processes and even from the culture of the company's own employees in a way that aims at positive and satisfactory results.

Omnichannel is not only a trend for companies, but a preference increasingly requested by the consumer, who is gradually looking for convenient, personalized, and immediate options.

Data collected by Think With Googleregistered that more than 50% of purchases made in physical stores are influenced by the internet.

According to McKinseyMcKinsey, consumer data reveals that shopping in physical stores remains business as usual, but will operate differently than in the past and will require new skills.

In particular, the provision of online-to-offline (O2O) services, strategic assets for same-day delivery, physical stores should play an important role in the future network of an omnichannel player.

Consumer maturity in 2023

Understanding the consumer, from their behavior to what trends they are following, is an indispensable element for brand and business strategies

Unlike 2022, in 2023 the big challenge will be to understand the mixed signals that reflect an environment characterized by opposing forces. The exuberance after a pandemic end scenario, with the caution in the face of economic turbulence.

The customer of 2023 is expected to be even more selective, seeking even richer experiences that blend the digital fluidity promoted by the pandemic, with the familiarity and intimacy of more traditional offline times.

Augmented reality and virtual features such as "try before you buy" have gained prominence to meet the need to provide satisfying customer experiences.

A survey conducted by BigCommerce shows that industry leaders estimate that 35% of consumers say they would shop more online if they could virtually try a product before buying it.

Another survey of more than 30,000 consumers conducted by BrizFeel showed that more than half (51%) said the biggest deterrent to shopping online was not being able to "touch, feel, or try on a product.

Personalizing the User Experience

Consumers are not just looking for products, but for a complete package of quality, service, experience, and personalization. With the increase of companies adopting online channels in their strategies, personalization makes competitiveness high among companies in the same segment.

Personalization allows an online store to define digital strategies based on browsing behavior, purchase history, demographic data, personal data, and more.

This behavioral data added to your customer's experience can work wonders, after all, who doesn't like to feel special. Investing in features that focus on personalizing the site according to customer preferences is a great way to make the experience unique for each user.

According to data from Epsilon, 80% of buyers are more likely to buy from companies that offer personalized experiences.

Companies that understand that designing individual customer needs into products and services, may notice a significant increase in their e-commerce revenue.

Read also: e-commerce calendar 2023

Check out some features:

Feature: Virtual Provider - VTEX

The VTEX platform offers the Virtual Tester functionality as a tool for fashion and accessories websites, which uses artificial intelligence based on information provided by the user to offer recommendations on the ideal size.

With this functionality it is possible to increase the trust with the customer and, consequently, the conversion of the site. Because of it, it is possible to reduce the number of exchanges and returns, since the consumer will have a better notion of size and how the product can look on the body.

For the functionality to work properly, it is important to teach the consumer how to take body measurements, after all, these will be used as input for the result.

An effective way is to use an illustrative image indicating each region that should be measured.

Functionality: Modular Template App - VTEX

The Modular Template is a VTEX app developed by Codeby, compatible with VTEX IO stores, created to increase the capacity of your online store! With it, you can create an unlimited number of Landing Pages integrated directly into VTEX.

Also, by installing the Modular Template app, unlike traditional Templates, there is no need to request development from agencies every time you create a new Landing Page for online stores.

Check out some features of the new Modular Template app from VTEX:

  • Texts;
  • Images;
  • Videos;
  • Buttons;
  • Slider;
  • And much more!

Get the app and make it easy to create Landing Pages for your store!


Check out a tutorial:

Functionality: InStore VTEX

InStore is a VTEX app perfect for bringing intelligence to the seller's hand, with personalized service and relevant information about the product and the consumer.

The app is VTEX's main solution for Unified Commerce operations and allows the integration of online and physical sales channels, putting customers at the center of the business.

Through the inStoreapp, the entire service of the physical store is done through a single database that ensures an omnichannel experience. The app can help to:

  • Attract movement and increase sales;
  • Generate efficient workflow for order picking
  • Ensure product availability through intelligent delivery options
  • Decrease fulfillment time and costs.

In such a way, the purchasing process becomes faster not only when adding products to the cart, but also in the way of payment and confirmation.

It is possible for salespeople to have a 360-degree view of the customer and thus create memorable shopping experiences.

Read also: Learn how VTEX's InStore functionality will boost your Online Store

Feature: VTEX Infinite Shelf

The infinite shelf is one of the macro processes of omnichannel in which the retailer integrates the stocks of physical stores with the virtual store, in order to avoid this situation above that besides frustrating the consumer causes the store to lose sales due to lack of product.

With this concept the retailer can solve the above situation more efficiently, accessing the product availability in the virtual store and offering the opportunity to close the sale at the same moment, with the possibility of forwarding the purchase to the store for later withdrawal or an address of the customer's choice.

In practice, the point of sale does not necessarily need to have a large stock. With a few products for the customer to have contact and test if necessary is already enough to use the infinite shelf and make purchases with the stocks of your online store through tablets or interactive totems.

The advantages for businesses start with the fact that the Infinite Shelf prevents the sale from being lost because the desired item is not available in the store. With this, the customer experience is elevated, since the brand is placing importance on realizing the desire to buy even if they don't have it in the store at the moment.

The concept also brings to a business the fight against stock-outs since all stocks are integrated, avoiding expenses with merchandise transfers and increasing the options of items in the stock of all stores.

Among the advantages:

  • Variety of items: the store can have a greater variety of items available to the customer, since the offer of products available in the online store, franchises, partner stores or in the distribution center;
  • Facilitated logisticsLogistics made easy: offer the possibility for the customer to pick up the product at the store, making logistics more optimized by reducing costs and delays in delivery;
  • Use stock from other stores and virtual storesUnified stock: with unified stock, processes and expenses with transfers between units are saved and still ensure that it is impossible to lose sales due to lack of items;
  • Control consumer frustrationControl consumer frustration: the infinite shelf, besides adding value to the customer experience, avoids the frustration of not finding the product you want. If the store has test products, the customer can have the first contact and choose to make the purchase online right there in the store, thus allowing you to control consumer frustration.

By applying a simple channel integration concept, the store can leverage sales and deliver a much more complete customer experience in physical stores.

Checkalso: Checklist - Features for fashion e-commerce

Contact us to learn more!

Evolve your e-commerce! Count on the help of the Codeby team, an agency specialized in technology, focused on performance and usability to help companies sell more through their digital channels.

Get to know our solutions by talking to our team of experts.

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