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Codeby Blog

Retenção de clientes x Aquisição: Qual o melhor...
Um dos maiores desafios para proprietários de lojas online é encontrar o equilíbrio entre a retenção de clientes existentes e a aquisição de novos. Ambas as estratégias têm seus méritos...
Retenção de clientes x Aquisição: Qual o melhor...
Um dos maiores desafios para proprietários de lojas online é encontrar o equilíbrio entre a retenção de clientes existentes e a aquisição de novos. Ambas as estratégias têm seus méritos...

Vantagens de utilizar programa de afiliado na s...
Neste blogpost, exploraremos as vantagens de utilizar um programa de afiliado como parte integrante de sua estratégia de vendas online. Vamos mergulhar nas razões pelas quais essa abordagem tem sido adotada...
Vantagens de utilizar programa de afiliado na s...
Neste blogpost, exploraremos as vantagens de utilizar um programa de afiliado como parte integrante de sua estratégia de vendas online. Vamos mergulhar nas razões pelas quais essa abordagem tem sido adotada...

Jitterbit and Keyrus take you on the Black Frid...
Black Friday is one of the most eagerly awaited moments for e-commerce, and companies that want to stand out and make the most of this date need to be strategically...
Jitterbit and Keyrus take you on the Black Frid...
Black Friday is one of the most eagerly awaited moments for e-commerce, and companies that want to stand out and make the most of this date need to be strategically...

Main strategies used in pharma e-commerce
In the pharmaceutical sector, in addition to unified experience, attention must be paid to the peculiarities of the sector itself, for example the dynamics of prescriptions, controlled drugs, storage, in...
Main strategies used in pharma e-commerce
In the pharmaceutical sector, in addition to unified experience, attention must be paid to the peculiarities of the sector itself, for example the dynamics of prescriptions, controlled drugs, storage, in...

Essential services for digital transformation i...
The grocery sector has specific needs in the online environment due to the unique characteristics of the products and the complexity of the supply chain. To meet these needs, various...
Essential services for digital transformation i...
The grocery sector has specific needs in the online environment due to the unique characteristics of the products and the complexity of the supply chain. To meet these needs, various...

Grocery: How is supermarket e-commerce expanding?
With the global events of the last two years, the consumer experience has developed much faster than expected. Understand how Supermarket E-commerce has grown to prominence with the digitalization of...
Grocery: How is supermarket e-commerce expanding?
With the global events of the last two years, the consumer experience has developed much faster than expected. Understand how Supermarket E-commerce has grown to prominence with the digitalization of...
Qual o próximo passo? Vamos evoluir o seu e-commerce hoje.
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