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Codeby Blog

Grocery: Como anda a expansão do e-commerce de supermercados?

Grocery: How is supermarket e-commerce expanding?

With the global events of the last two years, the consumer experience has developed much faster than expected. Understand how Supermarket E-commerce has grown to prominence with the digitalization of...

Grocery: How is supermarket e-commerce expanding?

With the global events of the last two years, the consumer experience has developed much faster than expected. Understand how Supermarket E-commerce has grown to prominence with the digitalization of...

Conceito omnichannel: Integre seus estoques com a Prateleira Infinita

Omnichannel concept: Integrate your stocks with...

Com a Prateleira Infinita o cliente pode realizar uma compra em uma loja física (ou online) e recebê-la do estoque de outra loja, ou do Centro de Distribuição principal;

Omnichannel concept: Integrate your stocks with...

Com a Prateleira Infinita o cliente pode realizar uma compra em uma loja física (ou online) e recebê-la do estoque de outra loja, ou do Centro de Distribuição principal;

Copa do Mundo 2022: Como o evento vai influenciar as vendas online

World Cup 2022: How the event will influence on...

Com inúmeros grandes eventos de varejo programados para começar no último trimestre de 2022, aaposta é que a Copa do Mundo impulsionará o varejo. A expectativa é que durante o...

World Cup 2022: How the event will influence on...

Com inúmeros grandes eventos de varejo programados para começar no último trimestre de 2022, aaposta é que a Copa do Mundo impulsionará o varejo. A expectativa é que durante o...

Entenda como funciona o Collaborative commerce

Understand how Collaborative commerce works

In another erathe customer had to go to the site, today the purchase can be made through channels such as social media, e-commerce, marketplace, among many others, such as collaborative...

Understand how Collaborative commerce works

In another erathe customer had to go to the site, today the purchase can be made through channels such as social media, e-commerce, marketplace, among many others, such as collaborative...

A importância da integração de canais para o setor farmacêutico

The importance of channel integration for the p...

O pharmaceutical sector has been changing in recent years, especially in retail, which ceased to be a place specializing in the sale of medicines and became a place of welfare...

The importance of channel integration for the p...

O pharmaceutical sector has been changing in recent years, especially in retail, which ceased to be a place specializing in the sale of medicines and became a place of welfare...

Volume de acessos no e-commerce: como garantir a estabilidade?

E-commerce traffic volume: how to ensure stabil...

For professionals who are taking their first steps toward e-commerce e-commerce success, it is important to have a large flow of visitors. large flow of visitors in your online store....

E-commerce traffic volume: how to ensure stabil...

For professionals who are taking their first steps toward e-commerce e-commerce success, it is important to have a large flow of visitors. large flow of visitors in your online store....

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